Reliable Sanitation Service
Sanitizing your mattress with us provides you with several important benefits. The first obvious benefit is better sleep quality. By removing impurities that are deeply embedded in your mattress, we help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. By sleeping well, we help you manage your health. Good sleep helps to restore your energy and boost your immune system.
Additionally, our dry, Eco-friendly and chemical free sanitation process removes dust, allergens, and Dust mites that are a cause of allergies, eczema, morning fatigue, and asthma. By removing dead skin as well as sweat and humidity that sheds during sleep that are responsible for the continuous reproduction of Dust mites and microorganisms, we help in keeping you healthy and energized. Our processes also ensure the environment remains protected.
Facts about mattresses and sanitizing
Mattresses provide a lot of comfort for us. While new, they provide the much needed comfort to support wellness and health. However, with use, mattresses gather a lot of impurities that include soil, bacteria, viruses, germs, Dust mites , Dust mites eggs, molds, sweat, saliva, and bed bugs.​
Did you know that human beings shed about 1.5 grams of skin every day? The American Council of Science and Health indicates that a mattress could be home to 10 million dust mites. 1.5 grams of skin dust contains up to 100,000 dust mites.​
Dust mites are microscopic (0.3mm) organisms that live on beddings, mattresses, furniture or carpets and survive by feeding on human or animal flakes of skin. With a single mattress having about 10 million dust mites, a bed can be a rich source of diseases and this exposes one to a myriad of diseases that may cost thousands of dollars to treat. With their microscopic size, dust mites cannot be seen with a naked eye. Sanitization is done to get rid of dust mites. UV treatment is also very effective in killing all germs, bacteria, and viruses.